A red square with the word speak in white letters on it.
A speech bubble with an orange border on a white background.
Our process is not a formality. It's the proven way we consistently create inspiring and impactful work. If we were fortunate enough to engage with you on a full-scale rebrand effort, this is how it'd go. If you just need a smaller project, we're cool with that, too.

1. Listening

Goal: Insight Discovery

We come with wide eyes and open ears. The knowledge we gain through curiosity, observation, inquiry and listening builds rapport between client and agency and sets the tone of the entire process. Access to stakeholders, decision makers, executives, sales and marketing is immensely helpful. We also devour any client-provided research and plan new research as needed. 

Deliverables: Brand Diagnostic Deck

2. Strategizing

Goal: Define the Strategy

It's not common for a creative agency to love strategic thinking, but that's how we roll. During this phase a senior brand strategist filters the most pertinent and intriguing data points from the discovery phase. This leads to strategic ideas and competitive positioning opportunities. Before sharing our recommendations with the client, we bring in additional creative team members to poke holes in the proposed strategy and ensure its veracity. 
Deliverable: Brand Opportunity + Strategy Deck

3. Sharing

Goal: Build Consensus and Executive Buy-In

We present our recommendations to the client-side team. At this phase, we are eager for everyone involved to challenge us with tough questions. We validate our strategy by comparing it to competitive approaches. In some cases, we will test our brand strategy options with a client's customers. Ultimately, one strategic direction will rise to the top.

Deliverable: Final Strategy Deck

4. Dreaming

Goal: Find the Big Idea

With a strong strategy established and agreed upon, we shift our focus to elevating your brand with a memorable story and a distinct visual expression. Our creative team will share ideas freely and build upon everyone's combined thinking. All ideas are welcome and the winning approach can come from anybody. Our ultimate destination at the dreaming phase is a creative platform, which is the organizing creative idea around which we will build campaigns and content. 

Deliverable: Creative Platform and Visual Expression

5. Determining

Goal: Get the Green Light

This is where we reconvene with the client-side team to share our ideas and creative work. It's important to get everyone behind the creative platform and visual expression. This gives the creative idea the legs and momentum it needs to motivate and excite the entire company. 

Deliverable: Final Approved Strategy or Campaign Deck

6. Creating

Goal: Go Live

The brand story and visual expression will further evolve as we build out assets like your website, content and other communications. Once in market, we will continue to analyze and optimize our work to ensure it's resonating with audiences. Along the way, we'll continue to evolve and refine the work as new ideas and twists on the original concept emerge.

Deliverable: Brand Activation, Production and Roll-Out
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